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2024年末教会主任牧师的感言 Reflections from the Lead Pastor at the End of 2024

Writer: Huaqing ChangHuaqing Chang







今年,教会经历了许多突破,打开了泰国和日本宣教的大门,也有一些仍在等待神回应的祷告。但我想告诉大家:我们的神永远信实从不误时,祂的时间总是最美的。 圣经在诗篇65:11说:“你以恩典为年岁的冠冕;你的路径都滴下脂油。”让我们凭信心宣告,无论过去的一年如何,祂的恩典已经为我们每一天的脚步铺下了厚厚的祝福。祂会继续使用我们完成使命!










Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Time has flown by, and here we are at the end of 2024. This past year has been filled with challenges, growth, and abundant grace for each of us. Through the gift of fellowship, we’ve experienced the truth of God’s Word and the sweetness of His presence.


I thank the Lord, whose faithfulness never wavers. Whether in the storms or under the sunshine, we have witnessed His hand at work in every corner of our lives and church. I also want to thank each of you—whether through quiet acts of service or fervent prayers, your love and dedication have been a cornerstone of this spiritual home, demonstrating profound care and strength.


This year has been one of breakthroughs for our church. We’ve seen new doors open for missions in Thailand and Japan, and though some prayers remain unanswered, I want to encourage you: our God is eternally faithful, and His timing is always perfect. The psalmist reminds us in Psalm 65:11, “You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.” With faith, we can declare that no matter what this past year held, His grace has already paved a path of blessing for every step we take. He will continue to use us to fulfill His mission!


Looking ahead to 2025, I urge you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, supporting one another as we walk the journey of faith together. May every day of our lives become an act of worship, and may every ministry in our hands glorify His name. I believe the coming year will bring even greater joy, hope, and a harvest of souls!


You, my dear church family, are my joy in the Lord. I am continually praying for you: may the peace of Christ dwell in your hearts, may His strength empower you to be courageous, and may His joy sustain you in all things.

Wishing you peace and happiness, and may you step into a new year full of hope and purpose in His grace!


In Christ’s love,

Your Pastor,

Pastor Ha


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