1. 定睛于神的祷告:天父,帮助我定睛于祢,体贴祢的心意,看到祢的作为,并透过我的生命荣耀祢的名。阿门。
2.信靠的祷告: 主啊,我在这里,准备好来顺服祢,即使要付上代价。主,帮助我超越一切,信靠你的计划。阿门。
3. 指引的祷告:主啊,我在这里,请祢以各种方式对我说话,甚至在梦中。我已经准备好聆听祢的指引,并跟随你在我生命中的带领。阿门。
4. 回应呼召的祷告:主啊,我在这里,准备好踏入祢为我预备的呼召,即使这超出我的舒适区、能力和感受,帮助我信靠祢的计划,即使它很艰难。阿门。
5. 真智慧的祷告:主啊,请赐给我真智慧,在属灵上有敏锐的分辨,在凡事上有通达,警惕骄傲和偏离,叫我所做的一切选择和决定都能使祢喜悦。阿门。
7. 放下疑惑,完全降服的祷告:主啊,我在这里,放下我的疑惑和担忧,完全降服在祢面前,帮助我、坚固我,让我进入与圣灵更深的同工,彰显祢的荣耀。阿门。
Yesterday's midweek sermon focused on seven prayers that can shake our own lives and also shake the powers of the evil one. After the sermon, some brothers and sisters expressed their desire to receive the full content of these seven prayers. Please see them below. For more detailed prayer-related scriptures and key prayer points, you can click the button below to view the “Complete Sermon Note".
The prayer of fixing your eyes on God: Father, help me fix my eyes on You, be mindful of Your heart, see Your works, and glorify Your name in my life. Amen
Prayer of trust: Lord, I am here, I am prepared to obey You, even with price. Lord, help me overcome, trust in Your plan. Amen.
The prayer of guidance: Lord, I am here, please speak to me in every way, even in dreams. I am prepared to listen to Your guidance, and follow Your lead in my life. Amen
The prayer of responding to calling: Lord, I am here, prepared to step in the calling You’ve prepared for me even if it is outside of my comfort zone, beyond my power or feeling, help me trust in Your plan even when it is difficult. Amen
The prayer of true wisdom: Lord, please give me true wisdom, give me power of discernment in spirit, give me knowledge of all things, so I can be alert of pride and departure from Your way. So I can please You in all me choices and decisions. Amen
A Prayer of Surrender to God's Will:Abba, Father, I am here, placing my future and fear in Your hands. May Your will be done in my life. Amen
The prayer of laying down doubts and fully submitting: Lord, I am here, laying down my doubts and worries, completely submit to You. Help me, strengthen me, so I can work closer with the Holy Spirit and manifest Your glory. Amen