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Writer's pictureHuaqing Chang

Ekklesia:不仅是一座建筑,而是上帝的子民 Ekklesia: More Than a Building, It’s God's People





Dear brothers and sisters, today I want to share with you a very special testimony! During the Mid-Autumn Conference, a sister received a revelation from God during prayer. This revelation centered around a word that may seem unfamiliar but is full of life—"Ekklesia." Through this word, God revealed to her the true meaning of the church.


After reading the testimony, keep scrolling down for the latest updates on the recording studio.



God Told Me "We are Ekklesia"


在中秋福音特会的最后一天,Ivan牧师带领我们进入祷告时,他告诉我们:“当我发出’嘘——’的声音时,大家就停下来,安静聆听神的声音。” 我闭上眼睛,开始祷告,在安静的那一刻,我强烈地感受到神的同在,眼泪止不住地流下来。虽然闭着眼睛,但感觉每个人都靠得如此之近,像一股绳子一样在祷告中紧密结合在一起,被神握紧。祂就在我们当中,包围着我们,拥抱着我们。我感觉到神的喜悦。祂喜悦我们如此聚会,如此同心合意地呼求祂。


在这份感动中,一个词突然出现在我的脑海中——“Ekklesia”,那一瞬间,仿佛我眼前看到这个词清晰地浮现出来。 忽然之间我明白了这个词的意义,这就是教会,这是神给我的启示。教会,不是我们通常所理解的建筑物,不是一座宏伟的殿堂,它无关场地,无关地点,无关这个场所是否华丽,和它相关的只有人,是我们,这些被基督的宝血赎买,奉着耶稣基督的名,被主呼召而相聚的人!

Ekklesia 的意思就被呼召的聚集、集会,是一群人在一起为同一个目的聚集。这个词甚至在当时并非基督教会的专用词汇,却被耶稣用在祂的话语中。在马太福音16:18,耶稣说:“我要把我的教会建造在这磐石上。”这里的“教会”正是希腊原文中的“Ekklesia”。


神关心的从来不是世界上任何的物质财富或宏伟的建筑。祂在乎的是祂的儿女,祂的子民。祂看重的是我们,是那些愿意聚集在祂名下呼求祂的灵魂。当我们聚集、敬拜、祷告时,祂心欢喜,祂耳倾听。祂渴望我们在一起,心意相通,同声呼求祂的名。我们聚集,我们祷告,我们流泪呼喊祂的名,祂就与我们同在, 祂就向我们释放祂的祝福,降下祂的医治,显明祂的旨意和呼召。








这就是Ekklesia, 这就是主的教会。教会不仅是我们聚会的地方,更是我们彼此建立、一起经历神的所在。让我们在这个属灵的家中被建造、被坚固,靠着祂,我们必定站立得稳,因我们站立在祂这永不动摇的磐石上!


On the final day of the Mid-Autumn Gospel Conference, Pastor Ivan led us into prayer and said, "When I make the sound 'shhh—', stop and listen to God's voice." As I closed my eyes and began to pray, in that quiet moment, I powerfully felt God's presence. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Though my eyes were shut, I sensed everyone around me drawing closer, like strands of rope tightly woven together in prayer, held securely by God's hand. He was with us, surrounding us, embracing us.


In the midst of this deep sense of God's presence, a word suddenly appeared in my mind—"Ekklesia." It was as if I could see the word vividly before my eyes. A voice in my heart told me, "Ekklesia," the Greek word for church. The church is not what we often think of—a building or a grand structure—but rather the people who gather in the Lord's name. Ekklesia means a gathering, an assembly, a group of people coming together for a common purpose. Though this word wasn't originally a religious term, Jesus used it in His teaching. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said, "I will build my church upon this rock." The Greek word for "church" used here is "Ekklesia."


We, the people redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus, are the church.


I realized then that God never cares about material wealth or grand buildings in this world; He cares about His children, His people. He treasures us—the ones who gather under His name. When we come together to worship, pray, and seek His face, His heart rejoices, and His ears are attentive. He longs for us to be united in heart and mind, calling out to Him with one voice. As we gather, pray, and cry out His name, He is with us, releasing His blessings, pouring out healing, and revealing His will and calling.


In that moment of prayer, I deeply felt the reality of God's presence when we are united. We are not isolated individuals, but the Ekklesia in God's hand, firmly built upon the solid rock of Christ. This is the church! This is Ekklesia!


In the days following the conference, this sense of unity stayed with me. I became more aware that, as brothers and sisters in Christ, our relationships are much closer than we might realize. We are not just meeting in a physical space together, but we are spiritually connected in the Lord, supporting each other, and being built up and strengthened by the same Spirit. I began to see how essential it is for us to gather as a church for our spiritual growth. Whether it’s through listening to the Word, serving, praying, or worshiping together, the spiritual building that happens in these gatherings cannot be replicated in isolation. This made me cherish the church—this spiritual family—even more, and every moment of fellowship in God’s presence became precious.


At the same time, I also sensed that my service in the church had taken on a deeper importance. It’s not about what skills or knowledge I have, but about being willing to be used by God, to be built up on the solid rock of Christ. I hope that through my service, others in the church can focus on worship without missing out on encountering God. This revelation filled me with new strength and confidence, especially in leading the educational ministry. I now know that God has shown me the direction in which to lead, and I am excited to help others grow in the church.


This is the church, this is Ekklesia. The church is not just a place where we meet; it is where we build one another up and experience God together. Let us be built up in this spiritual home, strengthened and made firm. With Him, we will stand strong, because we stand on His unshakable rock!



Recording Studio Update











Thank you all for your prayers and offerings for the recording studio.

So far, we have received a total of $35,020.00 in donations, quietly surpassing the halfway mark toward our goal of $70,000 CAD.


To quickly turn these funds into an impactful contribution to the music ministry, we are currently setting up a compact but efficient workstation at the Vancouver church. This station will be used for recording music, language, and podcast-related content, and will also support post-production editing.


Meanwhile, the recording studio at the Surrey church will continue to await additional funds and further progress from the construction team. This may take some time.


During this period, all music-related ministry will begin at the Vancouver church and gradually become more stable and mature, preparing the way for more comprehensive equipment and broader ministry in the future.

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