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凡事都有可能/ Nothing Is Impossible

Writer: Grace ChinaGrace China

Written By: Joth Hunt ©️2008 Planetshakers Ministries Int. Inc. Song # 5199808  CCLI # 11311851

有祢 我能成就一切 能成就一切

Through You, I can do anything

I can do all things

因祢赐给我力量 在凡事都有可能

'Cause it's You who give me strength Nothing is impossible

有祢 瞎眼能看见 生命能改变

Through You, blind eyes are opened

Strongholds are broken

我凭信心而活 在凡事都有可能

I am living by faith

Nothing is impossible

我活着并不是凭眼见 我活着并不是凭感觉

I'm not gonna live by what I see

I'm not gonna live by what I feel

我深知主祢与我同在 在祢绝没有难成就的事

Deep down I know that You're here with me

And I know that, You can do anything

有祢 我能成就一切 能成就一切

Through You, I can do anything

I can do all things

因祢赐给我力量 在凡事都有可能

'Cause it's You who give me strength Nothing is impossible

有祢 瞎眼能看见 生命能改变

Through You, blind eyes are opened

Strongholds are broken

我凭信心而活 在凡事都有可能

I am living by faith

Nothing is impossible

我相信 我相信 我相信 我相信主祢

I believe, I believe

I believe, I believe in You


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