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有一位王/ There Is A King

Writer: Grace ChinaGrace China

Written By: Brandon Lake | Steven Furtick | Tiffany Hammer

©️ 2019 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing | Maverick City Publishing Worldwide | Bethel Music Publishing

Song # 7138218 CCLI # 11311851



There is a king seated among us

Let every heart receive Him now



Where there is praise He will inhabit

There will be grace and mercy all around

在祂面前 一切重担都被解除



Every burden will be lifted in His presence

And every trophy

Will be laid down at His feet

有个名字 超过所有的名字

主耶稣 祂是万王之王

There is a name that reigns above all others

Jesus Christ the King above all kings



Unto the Lamb honor and glory

Worthy is He who overcame

羞辱埋葬 大能中升起

祂复活了 坟墓石头被挪开

Buried in shame risen in power

He is alive and the stone is rolled away

所有敬拜 我们会永远归给祂



All our worship will belong to Him forever

Death is conquered

And our Savior holds the keys

有个名字 超过所有的名字

主耶稣 祂是万王之王

There is a name that reigns above all others

Jesus Christ the King above all kings

不久之后 再会看到祂


It won’t be long we will behold Him

And every tear He’ll wipe away

我们回家 争战都会结束

不久之后 我们面见救主

We'll be at home the war will be over

Soon we will meet our Savior face to face

所有敬拜 我们会永远归给祢

圣洁 圣洁 一直会到永远

All our worship will belong to You forever

Holy holy for all eternity

祢的名字 超过所有的名字

主耶稣 祂是万王之王

主耶稣 祂是万王之王

Yours is the name that reigns above all others

Jesus Christ the King above all kings

Jesus Christ the King above all kings


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