1. 医治(以赛亚书58:8)——对身体和精神健康有超自然的益处。
2. 抵挡试探(马太福音4:1-11)——增强属灵肌肉、自制和明锐的洞察。
3. 解锁呼召(使徒行传13:2)——如果感到迷茫,禁食能带来清晰。
4. 释放神的大能(路加福音4:14)——使我们与神的应许对齐,释放祂的大能。
5. 祷告得答案(以斯拉记8:23)——清除属灵障碍,得到答案更清晰。
6. 得到释放(以斯帖记4:16)——能带来自由。
In Friday night's sermon, Pastor Liang mentioned that one way to overcome spiritual lows and setbacks in faith is through fasting, as it helps us focus on God. Starting Monday, November 11, the church will begin a 40-day collective prayer. If you feel you need spiritual renewal and alignment, consider trying fasting. Fasting can be divided into: full fasting, partial fasting, intermittent fasting, or abstaining from certain electronic devices or social media. Don’t mistake the purpose—this is not a diet for weight loss, but a way to draw the spirit closer to God. For specific guidance, please consult the church pastors.
In 1 Samuel 7:10-14, when the Israelites fasted and prayed, God responded with thunder, bringing revival and restoring their territory. For twenty years, they sought renewal, and when Samuel called them to fast and pray, heaven responded.
When we fast and pray, heaven moves and brings breakthrough in our lives. God has promises for you—whether in health, finances, relationships, marriage, studies, or opportunities. These areas, which may have been lost, can be restored.
Fasting is essential in seeking God’s intervention. Here are six important benefits of fasting:
1. Healing (Isaiah 58:8) – Brings supernatural benefits to physical and mental health.
2. Resisting Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11) – Strengthens spiritual discipline, self-control, and discernment.
3. Unlocking Your Calling (Acts 13:2) – If you feel uncertain, fasting can bring clarity.
4. Releasing God’s Power (Luke 4:14) – Aligns us with God’s promises, releasing His power.
5. Answered Prayers (Ezra 8:23) – Removes spiritual obstacles, making answers clearer.
6. Deliverance (Esther 4:16) – Brings freedom.
Note: Fasting is not required for everyone, but this is a meaningful way to seek God.