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Writer: Huaqing ChangHuaqing Chang

8月12-16日我们举办了儿童圣经营102,一共有18位小朋友参加,有10位老师和义工, 筹备、祷告和服事。让我们看看都有哪些珍贵的画面吧!

We held Children's Bible Camp 102 from August 12 to 16. A total of 18 children participated, and 10 teachers and volunteers prepared, prayed, and served. Let's take a look at the precious moments!


小朋友学了什么?What did kids learn? 


Being Sure You’re A Christian

我们相信哪些事实 What Are The Facts We Believe?

区别事实,感觉和信心 Facts,Feelings & Faith

我与神的同行 My Personal Walk With God


Know The Lord As Your Best Friend


What Is God Like? Who Are We?

灵、魂、体 Spirit, Soul, and Body


How Do I Get To Know God Better?


 I'm going to hug him and tell him Jesus loves him.

- 一个孩子打算对消防员说的话

What a child would say to a firefighter -


迈出脚步传福音 OUTREACH


加拿大邮政局, 建筑工人, 消防局, 攀岩馆。

在出发前,孩子们特别为即将去传福音的人们祷告并亲手准备了礼物,例如水果拼盘、冰沙、曲奇、卡片等等。当对方收到礼物和祝福的时候, 从一开始的惊讶难以置信,之后变为感谢和感动。

The kids were divided into 4 groups and visited:

Canada Post, Construction Workers, Firehall, Wall Climbing.

Before leaving, the children prayed for their outreaching targets and prepared gifts by themselves, such as fruit platters, smoothies, cookies, cards, etc. When they received gifts and blessings, they were surprised and unbelievable at first, and then became grateful and touched.




 The teachers prepared a lot of ribbons and flags of different sizes in advance, suitable for children of all ages. From the first day of the Bible camp, during the praise period, the children showed great interest in waving ribbons or flags. The teachers also specially taught the meanings of the colors of the flags in the Bible and how to dance.

The children soon began to enjoy it.




On the last day of the Bible camp, each child shared their feelings about John 3:16 after learning these days. They came to the stage, picked up the microphone, faced all the classmates below, and nervously but boldly expressed their gratitude to Jesus. Perhaps in 10 years, some of them will grow up to become great missionaries, pastors, teachers, etc. This is also the expectation and purpose of our Bible camp.



In laughter and praise, our Bible camps 101 and 102 have ended. With the belief that every child is a soldier used by the Lord, every teacher has done their best to help the children understand the Father, and let them take steps to share the love of Jesus. The children played games, prepared food, made marshmallows, smoothies, climbed walls, had group discussions, and helped learn together, and they also opened their hearts and became real good friends.

Are you also attracted? Sign up your children for next year! See you at Bible camp 103!



Catch the tail of the baptism review



A baptism recap video was played during last week’s Sunday service. If you missed it, click below to watch it!



Continue to support the studio construction with prayer and giving::


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教会名字Name:Vancouver Grace China Church

标注Note:录音室奉献 For recording room


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