马可福音 11:22-24 耶稣回答说:“你们当信服神。 我实在告诉你们:无论何人对这座山说:‘你挪开此地,投在海里!’,他若心里不疑惑,只信他所说的必成,就必给他成了。 所以我告诉你们,凡你们祷告祈求的,无论是什么,只要信是得着的,就必得着。
1. 晨祷
2. 在通勤中听播客
3. 敬拜
Often, before we even realize it, we find ourselves overwhelmed by stress. This can come from many sources: school, work, applying for PR, policy changes, family conflicts, challenges with children, financial struggles, tough decisions, and more. You name it.
Under stress, the things that once brought us joy can start to feel like burdens. Financial worries can make socializing with friends feel out of reach. The pressure of time can turn even going to church into a chore. When we’re stressed, we often retreat inward—becoming unwilling to move, to talk, or to consider the needs of others.
Stress can be a force that distances us from Jesus, tangling our thoughts and taking away time that could be spent with Him. It convinces us that we’re too busy for God, making us feel like our success depends entirely on us. But God already has a plan for us.
No one understands the weight of stress like Jesus. He carried the burden of knowing His own betrayal and death. He knew Judas would betray Him, yet He still called him “friend.” He knew His closest disciples would abandon Him in His darkest hour, yet He continued to love them to the end. His unwavering faith in God empowered Him to love radically. He had nothing to prove, no one to impress, and nothing to fear. Perfect love casts out fear, and Jesus walked in that love because of His complete trust in the Father’s promise. So, He faced everything with peace and love, humbly washing the feet of His wavering disciples.
Friend, be encouraged today. There is no stress that Jesus doesn’t understand. No stress is greater than our Creator. Your future is safe in His hands. Knowing that He cares about your future even more than you do should bring you comfort and joy.
Mark 11:22-24 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Here are three ways to find blessing and break the chains of stress in your life:
1. Morning PrayerThere’s a special beauty in talking to Jesus before speaking to anyone else. Morning prayer is a powerful way to start your day because it allows you to spend time with Jesus wholeheartedly, and to see things from His perspective. As it says in Psalm 5:3, “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Begin your day with Him, and invite peace into your heart.
2. Listening to Podcasts During TrafficTraffic doesn’t have to be stressful. Listening to faith-based podcasts can transform that time into an opportunity to learn and connect with God’s word. Unlike the often discouraging news on the radio, listening to God’s teachings can lift your spirits and transform your point of view more inspiring.
3. WorshipWorship is a powerful way to seek God and lay your burdens before Him, receiving peace in return. Worshiping at the beginning or end of your day is a great way to recharge your spirit and spend quality time with Jesus. Remember, God is here to handle whatever overwhelms you. When stress arises, remember that our God is greater.
Let’s pray together now:God, I come before You with thanksgiving and praise. I believe You have a good plan for me. I pray that You replace my stress with Your peace. I’m willing to make time for You during my busy days. I give all my fears and stress to You. Give me daily guidance. I love You and I worship You, in Jesus’ mighty name, AMEN.