感谢你们一起走在这段美好的信仰旅程中, 无论你是参加了“初信成长”、“建造基石”或“圣经学校”的课程,还是简单地与我们一同前行,我们都庆祝神在你生命中的奇妙作为。
保罗在哥林多前书10:31提醒我们:“无论做什么,都要为荣耀神而行。” 你们对主的忠心和爱,不仅祝福了我,也鼓舞了许多人。
在新的一年里,我鼓励你们继续向前迈进,相信神会带来更多的成长和突破。希伯来书4:11说:“所以我们务必竭力进入那安息。” 让我们预备自己的心,让神的平安和能力塑造我们。
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you for being part of this incredible journey of faith. Whether you joined our courses—‘Establishment,’ ‘Cornerstone,’ or the ‘Bible School’—or simply walked this path of faith alongside us, I celebrate all the ways God has been moving in your lives.
This year, we’ve seen God do amazing things! Some of you have found peace in the midst of trials, others have had breakthroughs in understanding the Holy Spirit, and a few even began speaking in tongues. We've heard stories of students using what they've learned in class to make a difference in their families and workplaces. Truly, God has been at work!
One sister shared her heart with us:
"These two years at the Bible School have helped me know God in such a personal way. I’ve discovered that God is good, that He loves us no matter what. He’s the one who walks us into peace. Knowing this has quieted my restless heart. I’ve realized He’s already given us everything we need.
Little by little, what I’ve learned has shaped my life. With my kids, I’ve gone from yelling in frustration to responding with more gentleness (even when I’m upset). Kids will always be kids, but I don’t feel anxious anymore—I see them as gifts from God, and I know I’m just here to take good care of them.
I used to complain a lot about my husband—his habits and flaws—but now, instead of complaining, I’ve learned to speak words of praise and respect. And guess what? He’s started changing too! Our relationship is so much better now. He’s even started supporting my faith, taking me to church instead of resisting it. I’m so grateful!
I also remember how I used to carelessly speak negative words. When my kids were sick, I often discussed their sickness with worries and negative thoughts, focusing on the symptoms and fears instead of trusting God. But then I learned that ‘life and death are in the power of the tongue.’ So, I changed the way I spoke, and also taught my kids the same way. Thank God, I’m so grateful for everything Bible School has given me. Moving forward, I want to live a life ‘on earth as it is in heaven,’ declaring God’s Word and walking in it."
Isn’t God so good? No matter where we start, God is always at work to transform and renew us. We will share more exciting testimonies with you through emails next year.
Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Your faithfulness and love for the Lord have been such a blessing—not just to me, but to so many others.
As we step into this new year, I want to encourage you to keep pressing in and trusting God for even more growth and breakthroughs. Hebrews 4:11 says, “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest.” Let’s make space for His peace and power to shape us in the days ahead.
Christmas is a time to remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ—the Prince of Peace and our eternal hope. My prayer is that His love and peace fill your home and that His joy strengthens you each and every day.
