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在祢光中/ In Your Light /진리의 빛


Written By: Graham Moore & Jeremy Riddle

©️ 2012 Bethel Music Publishing

Song # 6256726  CCLI # 11311851

Verse 1

祢光中 满有能力

In Your light I find my strength

진리의 빛 능력되신

祢真理 得胜有余

In Your truth I overcome

주님안에 난 승리해

赞美中 让我沉浸

In Your praise I lose myself

내 모든 것 내려놓고


For in Your love

주 사랑 찬양해



You turned my tears of sadness

내 모든 슬픔 눈물


Into such joy and gladness

주께서 바꾸셨네


My heart can‘t keep it in

내 영 멈출 수 없네

欢呼 赞美

I‘m shouting, shouting

기뻐 찬양해


You’ve turned my tears of sadness

내 모든 슬픔 눈물


Into such joy and gladness

주께서 바꾸셨네


My heart can‘t keep it in

내 영 멈출 수 없네

欢呼 欢呼

I’m shouting, shouting

기뻐 찬양해

Verse 2

祢喜乐 满有能力

In Your joy I find my strength

기쁨 소망 능력되신

祢盼望 得胜有余

In Your hope I overcome 

주님안에 난 승리해

祢恩典 让我沉浸

In Your grace I lose myself

은혜안에 내려놓고


For in Your love 

주 사랑 찬양해

Chorus X2

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