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Writer: Huaqing ChangHuaqing Chang

“万圣节 Halloween”即将到来,许多人/家庭在思考:是否应该让孩子和其他小朋友一样穿上万圣节套装去讨糖果,或者自己是否应该答应朋友的邀请一起参加派对。




大约两千年前,凯尔特人(异端教派),每年11月1日庆祝“萨温节”,前夜10月31日是最重要的活动时间。他们相信这时生者与死者的界限变得模糊,灵魂和超自然生物会回到人间,于是点篝火、戴面具来驱赶这些灵魂,类似于巫术。到了公元9世纪,天主教传入这些地区,设立了“诸圣日”(All Saints' Day)来取代异教传统节日,前夜逐渐演变成“万圣节”(Halloween)。









不会,耶稣不会为了“可爱”、“有趣”或者“合群”,而给敌人留下可被攻击的破口。魔鬼可能会在你耳边低语:“没事的,你没做错,这只是玩玩而已。” 但实际上,这样的行为是在逐渐拆掉你心中的保护,慢慢走向魔鬼设下的陷阱。想一想,当你在那一天穿上哪怕是最无害的装扮时,你就已经在参与万圣节了;而这背后隐藏的代价,是你若了解,必然不愿意付出的。



哥林多前书 10:23 凡事都可行,但不都有益处。凡事都可行,但不都造就人。









As Halloween approaches, many people and families are wondering: should we allow our children to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating like their friends? Or should we accept invitations to Halloween parties from our peers?


At the core of this hesitation is: as Christians, can we celebrate Halloween? Would it seem unkind or antisocial if we do not participate? What if our children are upset about not joining in? And as open-minded individuals, is it enough to simply declare victory through faith to protect ourselves from the spiritual influences behind Halloween, allowing us to join in the festivities? Today, let's explore the background of this holiday to help you make an informed decision.


The Origins of Halloween


Approximately two thousand years ago, the Celts, a pagan community, celebrated "Samhain" on November 1st, with October 31st being the highlight of the festivities. They believed that during this time, the line between the living and the dead became indistinct, allowing spirits and supernatural entities to return to the earthly realm. To protect themselves from these wandering spirits, they lit bonfires and wore masks, practices akin to witchcraft. By the 9th century, as Catholicism spread to these regions, the Church established "All Saints' Day" to replace the pagan traditions, leading to the evolution of the evening before into "Halloween."


Over time, darker influences, such as Satanism, transformed Halloween into a celebration of death and satanic worship. The founder of Satanism even designated Halloween as one of the significant holidays of his cult. By the mid-20th century, Halloween had become increasingly commercialized, with costumes like ghosts, witches, and superheroes gaining popularity, along with decorations that symbolized death. This commercialization attracted many young people and drew in families who were unaware of the holiday's darker roots.



Is it acceptable if I dress up as cute and harmless?


As Christians, what are we called to do? Are we called to imitate this world? Absolutely not; we are called to imitate Jesus. Think about it: would Jesus dress up as cute and harmless and then participate in Halloween activities?


No, Jesus wouldn’t compromise His principles just to fit in or be seen as "cute", “fun” or “social.” The devil may whisper to you, “It’s okay; you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s just for fun.” But in reality, this mindset gradually weakens the protective barriers in your heart, leading you closer to the devil’s traps. Consider this: when you put on even the most innocent costume on that day, you’re already participating in Halloween; and the hidden cost behind it is something you would not wish to pay if you truly understood.



Do You See the Truth Now?


1 Corinthians 10:23 says, *“All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial. All things are permissible, but not all things build up.”


The essence of Halloween is the worship of Satan and the celebration of death. It is a means for the enemy to spread fear and exert control over the world, causing issues in many families without them even realizing it.


Christians, do not give the devil a foothold!

Don’t let the enemy rejoice as you fall into its trap! Instead, exercise your authority in Christ to break the power of darkness, ensuring that it has no hold over your home, community, or circle of friends. And take Halloween as an opportunity for you to obey God. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with unbelievers.


As a parent, you need to faithfully explain these truths to your children. If they feel disappointed about missing out on the celebrations, you can invite them to a church-hosted Hallelujah Night on October 31st. On this night, they will not feel alone but will enjoy a time of fun games, Bible sharing, and sweet treats, experiencing a night filled with God’s grace and protection for their hearts.


For more information on how to register, please click the button below.


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