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Writer's pictureHuaqing Chang

感恩是通往奇迹的钥匙 Thanksgiving is the Key to Miracles













This year, Canada’s Thanksgiving will be celebrated on October 15. Originally, this holiday was established to give thanks for the harvest and the blessings of the past year. At this special time, how does your heart feel? Is it somewhat indifferent, or have you already thought about who you would like to express your gratitude to?


When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He lifted His eyes to heaven and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me" (John 11:41). The angels in heaven also ascribe glory, honor, and thanks to God (Revelation 4:9). The Psalms teach us to offer thank offerings to God and fulfill our vows to the Most High (Psalm 50:14). Paul encourages us to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18).


Thanksgiving is the key to miracles in our lives.


Did you know that in the account of the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus faced a tremendous challenge? Thousands of people were hungry before Him, and He did not have enough food to feed them. Yet He did not panic, complain, or become discouraged. Surprisingly, Jesus didn’t even ask for more food; instead, He gave thanks for what He had.


Most of us, if we don’t have enough, we make such a big deal about it, we start frustrating, complaining, or being stingy, and we rarely will GIVE THANKS. In that moment, Jesus didn’t have enough yet He still gave thanks. After He gave thanks for the little that He had, the food was multiplied.


So, when will you pick up your few loaves and thank God for them instead of accusing Him of giving you too little? This Thanksgiving, GIVE THANKS for you got; and see how God responds to our hearts with His abundance.



Bible Study Group Is Coming

教会正在筹备圣经学校小组,让平时在家不容易读的内容,通过小组学习的方式变得简单、有趣起来。The church is preparing a Bible Study group to make the content that is difficult to read at home more accessible and enjoyable through group study.


目的 Goals:

  • 通过逐章阅读圣经,加深对经文的含义、比喻和历史背景的理解。To deepen the understanding of the meaning, metaphors, and historical background of Scripture.

  • 通过共同学习,增进小组成员之间的友谊和支持,建立一个温暖的环境,让大家都能感到被接纳和鼓励。To foster friendships and support among group members through shared learning, creating a warm environment where everyone feels accepted and encouraged.


形式 Format:

  • 每周Skype线上小组,讨论指定的圣经章节,并探索圣经对日常生活的指导。Weekly Skype online group discussions on designated Bible passages,and exploring how the Bible guides our daily lives..

  • 以圣经中的每一卷书为一个小组,在每卷书开始前接受报名。小组一旦开始,将不再接受新成员,直到下一卷书开始时再开放报名。Each book of the Bible will form a separate group, with registration open before the start of each book. Once a group begins, no new members won't be accepted until the next book starts.


适合人群 Audience:

  • 无论是基础较深的弟兄姊妹,还是刚接触信仰的朋友,都欢迎加入。Everyone is welcome to join, whether you are well-versed in your faith or a newcomer exploring spirituality.


具体安排 Details:

  • 时间 Time:从10月19日起,每周六上午10:00-11:30 Starting from Oct 19th, Very Saturday Morning 10-11:30 Am

  • 地点 Location:Skype视频进行 Conducted via Skype video.

  • 材料 Material:《圣经》&笔记本 Bible & Notebook


如何参与 How to Participate:

  • 第一次小组将学习《约翰福音》,现在接受报名;你可以询问教育部同工,或点击以下按钮来报名。The first group will study the Book of John, and registration is now open. You can inquire with the education department staff or click the button below to sign up

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