Dear Brothers and Sister, Happy Thanksgiving🎉!
We all have many things to be thankful for:
Got drinkable water? About 1.1 billion people in the world don’t have access to clean drinking water.
Do you eat three meals a day? The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world’s population is overfed, one-third is underfed and one-third is starving.
Got electricity? About 1.5 billion people in this world have no access to electrical power.
Got a roof over your head? The U.N. Commission on Human Rights says there are 100 million homeless people in the world.
Do you own a car? Globally, only 1 out of every 8 people has access to a car.
Do you have a flushable toilet? The United Nations Development Program reports that 2.6 billion people do not have access to any toilet facilities.
Can you read? Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.
Are you free to worship and share the gospel? More than 75 percent of the world’s population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions. Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution simply because of their belief in Jesus Christ.
腓立比书4:8 “...凡是真实的、可敬的、公义的、清洁的、可爱的、有美名的,若有什么德行,若有什么称赞,这些事你们都要思念。”
When problems come one after another, we are often quickly caught up in these issues, neglecting the grace that God has given us. In fact, God's grace far exceeds the difficulties we face, even during our hardest times.
You need to adjust your focus! The grace and blessings we experience daily are like an endless ocean, while the temporary pains and difficulties we encounter are just a tiny speck within that vastness. We need to shift our gaze, focusing on the vast ocean of grace rather than that small black dot. When our hearts are filled with gratitude, sorrow and complaints will be replaced by joy, naturally bringing forth peace and delight within us.
Philippians 4:8 “... Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
I challenge you to break the chains today and make room for gratitude:
Create a lifestyle of gratitude that doesn’t just come once a year during Thanksgiving in October, but begins each day with a thankful heart. Start each morning with a prayer of gratitude to God, and in the evening, write down three things you are thankful for that day in a notebook.
Now take action: send a message or prepare a small gift for someone you are thankful for. Let them know your appreciation and feelings; your words will comfort and warm their hearts.
Forgive those who have hurt you this year or in the past, and let today be the day you say goodbye to the chains and pains of the past, no longer holding grudges against those people, events, or things. When you do this, you are cleaning your heart and making more room for gratitude, allowing God's comfort, love, and healing to reside within you.
Wishing you a happy holiday! May you find joy every day!