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新约基督徒要守「十一奉献」吗?这和「奉献」有何不同? Should New Testament Christians Practice "Tithing"? How Is It Different from "Offerings"?

Writer's picture: Huaqing ChangHuaqing Chang





1. 十一奉献是否仅适用于旧约?新约中还需要遵守吗?


然而,新约并非要废除旧约的律法,基督来是“成全”了旧约的律法(马太福音5:17)。新约时期的信徒仍然遵守了十一奉献(路加福音11:42, 18:12)。使徒们并没有用律法来约束奉献,因为他们认为这已被公认和接受。所以,十一奉献在旧约和新约中都是基督徒需要明白并遵守的。


2. 十一奉献应献给谁?



3. 孩子、学生或退休人员需要守十一奉献吗?



4. 感恩奉献或其他指定奉献,是否能代替十一奉献?




5. 如果因为生活困难无法遵守十一奉献,会被视为得罪神吗?



Some brothers and sisters in Christ may feel uncertain about tithing and offerings. Let’s explore six key questions on this topic.

"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was a priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, 'Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praised be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.' Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything." — Genesis 14:20


1. Is Tithing Only for the Old Testament? Is It Still Required in the New Testament?

To answer this, we should first understand the origin of tithing. The first mention of giving a “tenth” appears in Genesis 14:20, where Abram offers a tenth of what he has to Melchizedek, the priest of the Most High God. This event occurred before the Law was given, indicating that tithing existed even before it was codified. In Leviticus 27:30, tithing becomes formalized: “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” Thus, in the Old Testament, tithing was established as a form of worship.

However, the New Testament doesn’t abolish the law; instead, Christ fulfills it (Matthew 5:17). Believers in the New Testament still observed tithing (Luke 11:42; 18:12), and the apostles did not strictly mandate it because it was already understood and accepted. Therefore, tithing is a consistent biblical principle that Christians should be aware of and uphold in both the Old and New Testaments.


2. To Whom Should Tithing Be Given?

Originally, the Israelites’ tithe was “holy to the Lord” (Leviticus 27:30). Over time, God designated this tithe as support for the Levites, who were set apart for full-time service to God (Numbers 18:21). In today’s church, the object of tithing remains God, and church-managed distribution also aligns with biblical principles (Malachi 3:10). While Christians may also choose to give to charitable or gospel organizations beyond the tithe, this would be an additional act of love. Some people, however, divert their tithe elsewhere out of dissatisfaction with the church—yet this approach does not align with God’s design. Using the tithe as a means of expressing discontent does not honor God.


3. Do Children, Students, or Retirees Need to Tithe?

We encourage children and students to practice setting aside a tenth of their allowance as a way to develop good habits and strengthen their trust in God’s provision. For retirees, depending on income—whether it’s a monthly pension or a lump sum payment—the choice is theirs to give monthly or as a one-time tithe. What’s most important is acknowledging that everything we receive is from God, and tithing is simply a response of gratitude to God’s provision.


4. Can Thanksgiving Offerings or Other Designated Gifts Replace Tithing?

To address this, we should clarify the principle behind tithing in Scripture. The Bible’s guideline is that a tenth of all income should be set aside as holy to the Lord. In other words, whether it’s a salary, a bonus, interest, dividends, retirement income, insurance payments, or even cash prizes, these are all part of what God has given us. None of our earnings are outside God’s control; thus, the principle of tithing still applies today.

Thanksgiving and designated offerings are also responses to God, yet they are not meant to replace the tithe. Thanksgiving offerings reflect gratitude for specific blessings and are unrelated to income; designated offerings are given for specific church ministries or needs and likewise have no direct connection to one’s overall income. Strictly speaking, they cannot replace tithing, according to biblical teaching.


5. If Financial Hardship Prevents Tithing, Is It Considered Sinful or Offending God?

No, it is not. Jesus has fulfilled the Law on our behalf, so we now live by His grace rather than by the Law. However, it is wise to examine one’s heart: is reluctance to tithe due to financial difficulty, or is it driven by a lack of generosity? Through prayer and faith, God can open up abundant provision for us, meeting both our needs and enabling us to give with a joyful heart.

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