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节日促销中的陷阱与智慧:购物上瘾与真正满足The Traps and Wisdom of Holiday Sales: Shopping Addiction and True Fulfillment

Writer: Huaqing ChangHuaqing Chang


11月19日是黑色星期五,标志着一年中最热闹的购物季开始,紧接着还有圣诞促销。尽管这是节 省开支的好机会,但也容易诱发过度消费。为什么促销期间会出现这样的现象?

商家通过限时折扣和“错过即失”的营销策略,诱导消费者购买许多实际并不需要的商品。对于一 些人来说,这种行为会逐渐演变成一种购物上瘾,用以缓解内心的焦虑或空虚感。事实上,购物 上瘾往往反映了更深层次的问题:内心的贫瘠感或对自我价值的怀疑。


“内心的贫瘠感”指的是对生活意义和个人价值的缺乏感。人们可能因为无法满足内在的需求,比 如爱、归属感或自我实现,而感到空虚。“对自我价值的怀疑”则是指对自己的能力、重要性或存 在意义持消极看法,可能导致通过外部手段(如购物)来寻找短暂的满足或认同感。这两者常常 是过度消费的根源,会形成一种恶性循环。


1. 优先满足需求而非欲望:购买真正需要的商品,而非因为折扣而冲动消费。 2. 制定预算:在购物前设定清晰的支出限额,避免过度消费。3. 培养感恩之心:在购买前思考,这件商品是否真的能增加生活质量。4. 慷慨分享:将一部分预算用于帮助有需要的人,体现爱与责任。


现代社会中,因过度消费而负债的案例并不少⻅,最终造成经济与心理压力。圣经中的财主比喻 (路加福音12:16-21)则提醒我们不要专注于积累财富,而忽视生命的真正意义。生命的价值不 在于拥有许多财物,而在于我们如何使用神所赐的资源,荣耀祂并祝福他人。这也为我们提供了 消费的正确态度:注重永恒价值,而非短暂的物质满足。


圣经教导我们要谨防贪婪(路加福音12:15),并提醒我们成为忠心的管家(⻢太福音25:14-30)。 神赐予我们的资源,是为了让我们享受生活,并通过合理使用这些资源来荣耀祂。过度消费不仅 浪费神的恩典,还可能让我们的注意力从祂转向物质。

相反,合理消费则体现了我们对神的感恩与信任。当我们将金钱用于帮助他人、支持教会和事工 时,我们便参与了神国度的建造。


1. 制定财务计划:明确消费优先级,例如家庭需要、储蓄和奉献。 2. 避免不必要的债务:特别是在非必要消费上保持克制。

3. 投资永恒价值:支持教会、事工和其他能彰显神爱的项目。 4. 定期感恩:感谢神的供应,学习知足。

即将到来的圣诞促销是另一个消费高峰期,也可能带来更多的浪费和压力。作为基督徒,我们可 以践行智慧消费,真正的满足来自于一颗感恩与知足的心,活出神的呼召。


The Traps and Wisdom of Holiday Sales: Shopping Addiction and True Fulfillment

November 19 marks Black Friday, kicking off the busiest shopping season of the year, soon followed by Christmas promotions. While this is an excellent opportunity to save money, it also easily triggers overconsumption. Why does this phenomenon often occur during promotional periods?

Retailers use limited-time discounts and “fear of missing out” marketing tactics to entice consumers into purchasing many items they don’t actually need. For some, this behavior gradually develops into a shopping addiction, serving as a way to ease anxiety or feelings of emptiness. In reality, shopping addiction often reflects deeper issues: an inner sense of lack or doubt about one’s self-worth.

What Is an Inner Sense of Lack or Doubt About Self-Worth?

An “inner sense of lack” refers to a psychological state marked by a feeling of emptiness due to an absence of meaning or personal value in life. People may feel this way when they fail to meet intrinsic needs, such as love, belonging, or self-fulfillment. “Doubt about self-worth” refers to holding negative views about one’s abilities, significance, or purpose, which may lead to seeking temporary satisfaction or validation through external means like shopping. Both are common roots of overconsumption, forming a vicious cycle.

What Is Healthy Spending?

  1. Prioritize needs over wants: Purchase items that are truly needed rather than impulsively buying due to discounts.

  2. Set a budget: Define clear spending limits before shopping to avoid overspending.

  3. Cultivate gratitude: Before purchasing, reflect on whether the item genuinely enhances

    your quality of life.

  4. Practice generosity: Allocate part of your budget to help those in need, embodying love

    and responsibility.

Wisdom from the Bible

In today’s society, overconsumption often leads to debt, causing financial and psychological stress. The parable of the rich fool in the Bible (Luke 12:16-21) reminds us not to focus solely on accumulating wealth while neglecting life’s true purpose. The value of life lies not in material possessions but in how we use God’s gifts to glorify Him and bless others. This provides us with the right attitude toward consumption: focusing on eternal value rather than fleeting material satisfaction.

How Does God View Consumption?

The Bible teaches us to guard against greed (Luke 12:15) and to be faithful stewards of God’s resources (Matthew 25:14-30). The resources God provides are intended for our enjoyment and to glorify Him through their proper use. Overconsumption wastes God’s blessings and shifts our focus from Him to material things.

Conversely, wise spending reflects gratitude and trust in God. When we use our finances to help others and support the church and its ministries, we participate in building God’s kingdom.

How Can We Use Money Wisely?

  1. Create a financial plan: Establish clear priorities, such as family needs, savings, and giving.

  2. Avoid unnecessary debt: Exercise restraint, especially in non-essential spending.

  3. Invest in eternal value: Support the church, ministries, and other projects that

    demonstrate God’s love.

  4. Practice gratitude: Regularly thank God for His provision and learn to be content.

How Can We Find True Inner Fulfillment?

Shopping or material possessions cannot fill the emptiness within. True fulfillment comes from:

  1. A relationship with God: Only God can provide everlasting peace and joy (Philippians 4:7).

  2. Serving others: Generosity and helping others bring deeper satisfaction.

  3. A spirit of contentment: As Paul describes in Philippians 4:11-12, learning contentment

    is the best way to navigate a materialistic world.

  4. Pursuing eternal value: Living according to God’s will and purpose provides lasting



Black Friday and Christmas promotions remind us of the influence of consumer culture, but we must choose rational consumption. Shopping itself is not wrong, but overconsumption and waste

pull us away from God’s intentions. True fulfillment comes from a grateful and content heart, living out God’s calling.

Let us use this shopping season as an opportunity to practice wise spending, bear witness to our faith, and glorify God in every aspect of life.


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