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见证:我领受了方言 Testimony: I Received the Gift of Speaking in Tongues

Writer: Huaqing ChangHuaqing Chang





记得当时我正在读《雅歌》,但完全无法理解这部“歌中之歌”中所描绘的所罗门与书拉密女子之间的美好爱情。我向神祷告说:“主啊,求祢的圣灵充满我,让我能够开口说方言。我也希望与祢的关系能像所罗门和书拉密女那样美好亲密,并帮助我领悟《雅歌》的奥秘。” 之后,我在课程小组讨论中询问这位姊妹,如何才能开口说出方言,她简单地回答:“你只要开口说。” 但我对她的回答一知半解,不明白应该如何“开口”。





于是,我跪在神面前,向祂祷告并开口。我的口中开始“吧啦”地发出声音,接着从内心深处涌出一连串我听不懂的音节。那不是单单从嘴唇发出的,而是从灵里涌出的迫切且满怀感动的呼唤!我跪在那里,不停地说,泪水止不住地流。我口中一直说,心里也不断呼唤:“神啊,我好爱祢!我真的特别特别需要祢!” 这种从心底的呼唤让我感到前所未有的轻松、释放和美好。一种超越一切世上亲密关系的爱在我里面涌动。语言无法完全描述这种美好,我一边流泪一边诉说,心中像是回到至亲的怀抱,倾诉着喜悦、委屈和感恩。不知过了多久,我才停了下来。

神的话也在我心中响起:“我们若照祂的旨意求什么,祂就听我们,这是我们向祂所存坦然无惧的心。既然知道祂听我们一切所求的,就知道我们所求于祂的,无不得着。” (约一5:14-15)




On the journey of faith, each person experiences unique and deeply moving spiritual moments. Today, I would like to share my amazing testimony of being filled with the Holy Spirit and receiving the gift of speaking in tongues.


Because my child came to Vancouver to study, God showed His grace by preparing a place for us at Grace China Church. Thank God! On a Sunday in June, my daughter and I attended a service at Grace China Church—the house of God—for the first time. Not only did we receive the life-giving Word of God from His servant, but we also experienced the love and warmth of the brothers and sisters there. We decided to commit to this church and make it our spiritual home. Thank the Lord! I later joined the church’s Cornerstone Course. During the course, I listened to the testimonies of several sisters, and their experiences brought me great spiritual enlightenment.


One sister shared how she longed for God, desired to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and prayed for the gift of tongues. She prayed fervently, saying, “Lord, I cannot wait another moment. Please grant me the gift of tongues now!” God truly heard her prayer, and as the Holy Spirit filled her, she immediately began to speak in tongues. Her testimony filled my heart with gratitude and also stirred in me a strong yearning for the gifts of the Spirit.

The church I attended in my home country was a more traditional evangelical church, where I lacked understanding about being filled with the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues. I believed that my spiritual life was inadequate and that I was not qualified to speak in tongues. I didn’t understand that tongues were a gift from God, a blessing to be humbly and obediently received. Through the Foundation Building Course, my heart was opened, and I began to pray earnestly to be filled with the Holy Spirit.


I remember reading the Song of Songs at that time, but I couldn’t grasp the beauty of the love story between Solomon and the Shulammite woman described in the “Song of Songs.” I prayed, “Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may speak in tongues. I long for my relationship with You to be as beautiful and intimate as that of Solomon and the Shulammite woman. Help me also to understand the meaning of the Song of Songs.” Later, during a group discussion in the course, I asked the sister how to begin speaking in tongues. Her response was simple: “You just need to open your mouth and speak.” However, I didn’t fully understand her words and wasn’t sure how to start.


Two days passed, and God seemed silent. I wondered, “Is it not the right time yet?”


Amid my doubts, a spiritual elder called me. She shared her recent experience of attending a Holy Spirit conference with her husband and spoke about the gift of tongues. She also mentioned that she would send me several spiritual books, including a commentary on the Song of Songs. I was both shocked and moved—God had truly heard my prayer! During our conversation, I asked her about tongues. While she shared many insights, what stuck with me most was her final statement: “Speaking in tongues is speaking a language you don’t understand, but it’s spoken to God and builds yourself up.” After our call, her words, “a language you don’t understand,” along with the earlier advice to “open your mouth,” gave me a sudden realization.


I knelt before God in prayer and began to open my mouth. At first, I uttered some hesitant sounds. Suddenly, a continuous flow of unfamiliar sounds welled up from deep within me—not merely from my lips, but from my spirit—an urgent and deeply moving cry. I knelt there, speaking in tongues non-stop, with tears streaming down my face. As my mouth spoke, my heart cried out, “God, I love You! I need You so much!” This cry from the depths of my heart brought indescribable lightness, release, and joy. A love greater than any earthly relationship flowed within me. Words cannot fully capture the beauty of that moment. As I wept and spoke, it felt as if I had returned to the embrace of a beloved family member, pouring out my joy, grievances, and gratitude. I don’t know how long I prayed before finally stopping.


God’s Word resonated within me:“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14-15)


God is faithful. His Word is true and powerful. My God once again strengthened my faith! He not only showed me that He heard my prayer but also reassured me that everything I ask according to His will, He will surely grant!

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!Thank you to the sisters who helped me along the way!May God bless His church and His children! Amen!Praise the Lord!



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