
I Love Sunday School!
John the Baptist Is Born
6 -11岁儿童
John the Baptist is Born(Luke1:1-25, 57-80) 施洗约翰诞生(路加福音1:1-25, 57-80) "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord- has been born." (Luke2:10-11) “我给你们带来好消息,这将给所有人带来极大的欢乐。救世主——是的,弥赛亚,主——已经诞生了。” (路加福音2:10-11)
Tell everyone...Jesus is the greatest gift. Imagine you're at the moving theater. You're sitting and happily munching popcorn, ready for the movie to begin. But first...the previews! Those two-minute clips of upcoming movies drum up excitement and make your heart skip a beat. They tell everyone about amazing movies that are coming soon. And when the preview is over, you just can't wait for the real thing. Well, Zechariah's son, John, was like a movie trailer for Jesus! John told people the Messiah was coming and explained why people could get excited for Jesus-the greatest gift ever. Being friends with Jesus is a gift for people today, too. And, like John, your life can tell people about Jesus' faithful friendship and never-ending love. So tell everyone! Jesus is the greatest gift. 告诉所有人……耶稣是最伟大的礼物。 想象一下,你身处影院。你正坐着,开心地嚼着爆米花,准备开始电影。 但首先……是预告片!即将上映的电影的两分钟片段让人兴奋不已,让你心跳加速。 它们告诉所有人即将上映的精彩电影。预告片结束后,你迫不及待地想看真正的电影。 好吧,撒迦利亚的儿子约翰就像是耶稣的电影预告片!约翰告诉人们弥赛亚即将到来,并解释了为什么人们会为耶稣感到兴奋——这是有史以来最伟大的礼物。 与耶稣成为朋友也是当今人们的礼物。而且,像约翰一样,你的生活可以告诉人们耶稣忠诚的友谊和永恒的爱。 所以告诉所有人!耶稣是最伟大的礼物。
Talk Starter 延申话题 Who has told you about friendship with Jesus? What do you like about that people? 谁告诉过你与耶稣的友谊?你喜欢这些人的什么地方?
Try This @ Home在家探索 With a grown-up, find a few movie trailer to watch together. Vote on which one is your favorite, then make plans to pop some popcorn and watch that movie together. 和大人一起找几部电影预告片一起看。投票选出你最喜欢的一部,然后计划一起爆爆米花看这部电影。
Explore More @ Home进一步在家研究 We have good news to share! Read Matthew 28:19-20 and Romans 10:14-15 我们有好消息要分享! 阅读马太福音 28:19-20 和罗马书 10:14-15